Lunes, Hulyo 20, 2015

Simple Reminders to a Safe Driving

During the holidays and the summer season, many travelers will surely hit the road.  Vehicular accidents happen everyday.  This is why, it is important that you give importance to the safety above anything else. Accidents can be prevented and lessened.  Below are some simple reminders for a safe driving.

Make sure your car is in good condition.  Your car should be checked regularly.  This can prevent possible issues while you are on the road.  Tire, break, fluids and batteries should be checked.

Secure yourself.  It is a must to buckle up as it can save your life.  Many lives could have been saved if they just secured themselves inside their vehicle by using their seat belts.

Protect your kids.  Where the kids will sit matters.  If a car seat will be used, it should be properly secured.  It is advisable for children twelve years and below to sit in the back seat.

Follow the speed limit. Though you are a skilled driver, it does not guarantee not being involved in a vehicular accident.  Things happen and over speeding is one of the major causes of accidents.

Focus on the road.  Refrain from using your phone while driving.  If you need to answer a call, pull over.  Avoid being interrupted and distracted.  Keep your eyes on the road, no matter what.

See to it that you always use proper signals.  Failure to do so can cause confusions to other drivers and civilians. This may lead to injuries and accidents.

Avoid being drunk.  If you know that you are going to drive, refrain from drinking liquor and other hard drinks. You may think that you are still in a normal state, but you can never say what will happen while you are in the middle of driving.

Be vigilant. It is important that you remain in focus and you are mindful with what is around you. Before backing up, make sure that you are not going to hit anything or anyone.  Always check your mirrors.

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