Sabado, Oktubre 24, 2015

Travel for Love

They say, there is no greater journey than your journey with your better half. This is the part when two people become one in soul. Though this does not literally mean getting on the road together, some couples have managed to put the thought inside the box. Some couple literally travels together to strengthen their relationship. This is definitely beneficial on their bond as lovers. Here are the benefits you can get when you travel with your better half.
  • Communication
Most lovers who go out on a travel have better communication. The different settings bring a lighter mood on the couple thus making it easier for them to say what they want. Couples who are fond of traveling cannot succeed in a single trip without an effective communication. They need to constantly exchange thoughts for a blissful getaway. This becomes a habit and therefore the system is applied on the whole relationship aspect.
  • Tougher in no time
Traveling is a strong medium of bonding. The relationship gets tougher in every time they face challenges throughout the travel experiences. If the couple travels together, their relationship becomes stronger and tougher even if they have each other for only a while. The bond they will make on the outdoors will surpass any lame bonds of long time couples.
  • Learning to trust
If the two of you is on a travel together, you will have to rely on its other's back. That means that "he got her back, and she got his back" mode is working. No traveling couples will work out without learning to trust each other. Traveling in an unknown place makes you trust the person you are with.
  • Knowing each worsts
Traveling can bring out the best in you, but it will definitely bring out the worst in anyone as well. Why wait for decades to know how loud he snores? Why wait so much to find out how she hates black coffee? When the both of you are in the road, you will have no reservations and will learn the things that make your better half just as imperfect as you are. Traveling makes you love your partner even at worst.
  • Meaningfulness
Travel adds meaning on your relationship. If you travel together, it will create a bond that is strengthen through various experiences. Together you will laugh, climb mountains, swim on the warm beach, and trail the road together. Giving up is never easy when you have all these things to remember when things get rocky. It is then that you will find out that traveling did make your relationship meaningful.

Lovers who travel have a huge edge than those who stays stationary in a single town with routines. The thrill and the excitement you feel together in travel makes you anticipate every coming day to be spent with your better half. Those who have traveled together are the best couples that this world has ever seen. If you learn to share the beautiful views together, you will also learn to share the beauty of lifetime in each other's company.

Common Mistakes of a Traveler

When it comes to traveling, there are a lot of what seems to be simple mistakes. These things may appear to be unimportant, but the truth is that they make huge impact on the whole experience. However, there are also simple ways to make these things right in order to have a high quality experience. These are the common mistakes of a traveler and the ways you could avoid them.
  • Skipping the planning stage.
Traveling requires planning. No matter how simple or extravagant your trip is, it requires some planning. Skipping this part may lead to a trip with no definite sense of direction. Moreover, trip without any prior plans may confuse the traveler or even discourage the will to go on with the vacation. What you need to do is spare an ample time to plan ahead your trip. Make sure you know your target activities and that they adhere with your time frame.
  • Planning and disregarding the whole plan.
You may have made your plans but you got attracted on something as you roam around your destination. This could lead to disregarding your whole plan. If you get occupied with things that do not belong to your list, they may take out most of your time. This could eventually fall on wrong prioritization. The result could be missing out the things that you have originally come for. As you travel, adhere to your plans and make a hierarchy of your activities. Prioritize your main goal in order to achieve satisfaction.
  • Not taking pictures.
The most especial moments are the ones that the camera couldn't capture. However, the camera captures the moments that will remind us how special we felt in a certain moment. One of the biggest mistakes is not taking pictures when you can. Photographs are memories frozen and preserved. No matter how good your vacation is, if you did not capture memories, it will all fade. To avoid this mistake, make it a habit to capture camera shots along the way.
  • Forgetting souvenirs.
Every traveler must have something that could remind him or her how great the travel was. Getting a souvenir for a memorable travel is not much of a task, but it makes big impact on your post-travel experience. A small keychain or refrigerator magnet will do the trick. Whenever you see that thing, it will remind you how beautiful the experience was. Souvenirs does necessarily have to be bought in a souvenir shop, some people may just collect shells or attractive stones for souvenirs. Others collect key chains, key holders or t-shirts in every destination. Make it a habit to bring home a small item to remind you about the travel.

Traveling is a very fun experience. Though there are many mistakes that could possibly make the quality of your vacation low, you could always prevent them by remembering the few points given above. These are the key points on how to make your travel less flawed and memorable.

Huwebes, Oktubre 15, 2015

How to Handle Medical Emergency Abroad

Traveling with an illness is not so taboo at all. Many people travel despite of some medical conditions. The truth is, even if you are carrying a serious disease, you are permitted to travel as long as it is not contagious and it will not put your life at stake. Heart diseases, diabetes, and asthma are just few of the medical conditions that most travelers have. However, there are some unfortunate events that may happen. You might have an attack in the middle of your vacation that may call for a medical emergency. In case something came up threatening your health, here are some things you should do.
  • Inform your physician.
This is more of prevention rather than the solution for an ongoing medical crisis. However, this must be included in the lists. Seeing your physician and being examined prior to your travel may prevent you from suffering medical emergency. Let the doctor tell you about your present condition and how it will affect the holistic aspect of your travel. If necessary the doctor will prescribe medications and medical clearance for your travel. Prevention is the key to avoid medical crisis during travel.
  • Check your medical insurance.
If you know that you are sick, secure a medical insurance before you travel. This will be much of a help to you during medical crisis. Furthermore, medical insurance may cover a portion or the whole expenses of your medical emergency while being in a different country.
  • Learn when to seek medical attention.
First you must assess the capabilities of the medical facilities in your destination. This also applies to the medical capacity to handle emergency of your airline. Some people start to have medical crisis inside the plane and it must be prevented or at least be well treated. The capability of the medical facilities plays a vital role on treating medical emergency.
  • Be aware of the emergency numbers.
In United States, the number that you have to call to aid you in a medical emergency is 911. However, the number you need to call in a foreign country is different. Be aware of the medical emergency number on your destination as it might just save your life. Check it on the internet before hand and write it in a card to put inside your wallet or store it in your phonebook.
  • Always carry your medical information with you.
As much as possible, have your medical information with you all the time. This will help the foreign doctors on your treatment once an emergency arise. With the help of your medical information documents, the doctors will be able to provide a more effective treatment on your condition in the quickest time possible.
  • Be cooperative.
If you are having an emergency, e cooperative on the foreign medical team that handles you. Provide them necessary information and bear with some interviews. Furthermore, be polite all the time. Remember that these people take care of you at the moment, and your life and safety is in their hands.

Linggo, Oktubre 4, 2015

How To Make Better Airplane Food Choices

Airplane foods are notoriously known for its bland taste. Lots of tourists ans airplane passengers will surely tell you that airline food sucks. In addition to that quality of food, many experts also attribute poor dining experience due to the fact that our ability to detect sweet and salty taste is decreased when you are in the air.

However, this does not mean that there is no way that you can make your airplane food experience better. Truth is, we have compiled some amazing tips on how to choose airline foods that will taste better:
  • Opt for dishes that contain high amount of umami.
As compared to salty and sweet flavor, it is a lot easier to detect umami and sour flavors. Because of this, you will find dishes with high umami level a lot more delicious during the flight.
  • Go for saucy dishes.
For your information, airplane food is prepared in advance. It will then be reheated when you are already in the plane. When the airplane starts flying, there will be a change in cabin pressure. This change will cause the food to dry out. This is why it is best that you always opt for a dish that has more sauce. Opt for pastas, curries and stews as these dishes tend to react better to high altitude and low humidity.
  • Choose dishes with lots of spice.
Another study has concluded that the way we perceive the taste of spices is not altered when we are in the air. Because of this, many experts recommend that you opt for foods that are rich with spices. If you love spicy food, you will surely love this tip!
  • Bbq is always the key.
When all else fails, bbq is always the best option. This is why it is always safe to choose barbecue dishes over anything else. This is because the meats for this dishes can be prepared in advance and it can be eaten after many hours with minor degradation. In addition to that, barbecue dishes contain spicy and sour flavors which will come useful in high altitude.
  • Listen to music.
This may seem like a far fetched idea. However, majority of studies have shown that it is the sound of the plane's engine that prevents us from differentiating and determining the sweet and salty taste in the dishes. By putting on some earphones and listening to good music, you can drown out the sounds of the engine and you can be able to focus on enjoying the taste of the dishes.

Make sure that you follow the airline food tips mentioned above and you will surely be able to find the best tasting airline food that will satisfy your tummy and your taste buds.

Biyernes, Oktubre 2, 2015

Sports in Splash: Water Activities for Tourists

As summer is approaching more and more people are finalizing their plans for a coastal travel. This is indeed the highlight of the summer. This season can never be complete without your toes touching the warm sand. As you pack your best swimsuits and sunscreen lotions, you must also be aware of the fun activities that you can do during the vacation. Here are few of the best water sports for you and your beach bum friends.
  • Snorkeling
You sure cannot enjoy the beauty of corals and seaweeds without your snorkels on. Snorkeling is a fun activity that allows you to submerge yourself into the sea water. While trying to float in a supine position, you will be able to see the sea grasses dancing and the corals forming. Some small fishes may also surround you. If you are a bit scared to dive, snorkeling offers the same experience with little risk.
  • Scuba diving
As you spend time on the sea coast, you may also want to explore the deep ocean. Scuba diving is one of the best underwater activities you can do in a beach travel. Here you will be able to explore the deep sea and meet marine life up close and personal. It takes a lot of courage, the view underneath will all be worth it.
  • Surfing
Take that board and ride the waves. Surfing is one of the most popular water sports and it is surely fun to do so. The sports mechanics is basically waiting for a good wave and riding it until it comes to shore. This is definitely fun for you and your friend. Have you not tried it yet? Most beaches that allow surfing have surfing boards that you can rent and coaches to help you out on your first try.
  • Kite surfing
This is a more complex type of surfing as you will need a kite to drive you on top of the sea water. What adds more complication to it is that you have to understand the wind pattern and surf along with it. Although this kind of water sport is a bit difficult, it is always worth the try. After all, professional kite surfers were not where they are right now if they did not had their first try.
  • Wakeboarding
Skaters must love this water sport. Wakeboarding is technically riding a board on top of the water while a motor boat tows your board. Things can be more exiting as the sea waves becomes your obstacles. You would have to dance and glide along the waves to be able to control the board. Fun is never ending in this kind of sport.
  • Parasailing
Water sports do not always mean that you have to get wet. If you want to fly above the sea, parasailing is the thing for you. It attaches you in a parachute which is connected to a motorboat. As the motorboat roams around the sea, you are flying up in the sky with your parachute.
Travelling in a coastal area for some people is a moment of relaxation. However, if things get a little bit boring, remember that there are endless activities that you do with water.